Audio: Chancellor Wrighton and Emeritus Chancellor Danforth comment at Danforth Dedication Ceremony, Sept. 17

Washington University Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton and Chancellor Emeritus William H. “Bill” Danforth spoke in Graham Chapel Sept. 17 as part of an official ceremony dedicating the University’s main Hilltop Campus as the Danforth Campus. Click on the links below to download an mp3 audio recording of comments made during the ceremony by Wrighton and Danforth.

A standing ovation for Chancellor Emeritus William H.
A standing ovation for Chancellor Emeritus William H. “Bill” Danforth as he take the podium at Graham Chapel.


Audio Excerpt #1

Washington University Chancellor Mark S. Wrighton discussing William Danforth’s 50 years of service to Washington University. He says from the beginning of his 24-year tenure as chancellor, Danforth was committed to building an enduring, world-class university. (Download)

(The cut runs 33 seconds. The outcue is “the world”)


Audio Excerpt #2

Washington University Chancellor Emeritus William H. Danforth jokingly suggesting that perhaps the University would have been better served if they had waited to rename the campus and had instead sought funds from a major donor in exchange for naming rights. (Download)

(The cut runs 34 seconds (and ends with laughter for a second or two). The outcue is “I left.”)


Audio Excerpt #3

Washington University Chancellor Emeritus William H. Danforth recalling that in his days as chancellor, he knew every morning that he was devoting his energies to a truly great cause that would help make the educational experience of students, the St. Louis region and the world a better place. (Download)

(The cut runs 29 seconds. The outcue is “along the way.”)